Enrichment Fund Donations
The Enrichment Fund at St Boniface RC Primary School finances the Enrichment Curriculum - specialist teachers in Art, Drama, French, Physical Education and Music – all children from Nursery to Y6 benefit from this fund.
Allowing our children to access specialist teaching in the broader curriculum (our Enrichment Curriculum - the creative arts, sport, languages and music) enables them to improve competencies in a wide range of skills while simultaneously supporting the development of their brains in ways that can improve their performance in the academic curriculum too. These enrichment subjects also impact very positively on the physical, linguistic and social development of our pupils – contributing to enhanced fitness and increased confidence. It is for these incredibly important reasons that we value our Enrichment Curriculum so highly at St Boniface.
Create your standing order, direct with your bank:
Account name: Wandsworth Council St Boniface Gift Aid account
Sort 60-22-28
Account 696 67853
Reference: Your childs name
If you would rather return the paper Standing Order form to the Office, please do.
Wandsworth Standing Order formIn the past the school has been able to budget for Enrichment subject teachers within the school budget. The Governors (most who have had their own children come to primary school here) have always tried to avoid having to ask parents for monetary donations. However, we are now in a financial situation where, the only way we can fund specialist teaching in Art, PE, Music, Drama and French, is to supplement the cost using the Enrichment Fund (voluntary parent donations).
We really appreciate the difficult financial situation that families may be in. If your family is able to afford to contribute £17 per child per month, or indeed a smaller amount, to please enable us to fund our Enrichment classes.
We are very understanding of the fact that this may not be possible for all families, however, we wanted to be transparent about the cost of enrichment teaching, the very positive impact that we believe it has and the fact that the school budget no longer has the capacity to meet this cost. This information will help you to decide if you as a St Boniface family are able to start or continue donating to this incredibly important fund – the Enrichment Fund.